This is a video pass for a show that I filmed on TMJ's Finally Tour. Which I'm guessing was required (at least legally or without hassle) to film a performance at The Bayou. The opening band at this particular show was Jesse Taylor Is Dead - a band whose debut album William Wittman produced (at Pie Studios where TMJ also recorded
Finally). Coincidentally, Jesse Taylor Is Dead also featured Mike Cronin on bass who was a then-bandmate of mine.
Although TMJ were from NY they never really seemed to enjoy playing there quite so much (especially Jay). This could be because they hated playing at home, or, because their biggest fan-base was in the D.C. area thanks to the amount of airplay the band had received on WHFS-FM from 1989-1993. According to
Joybuzzer TMJ were they only band to play the WHFStival twice. Although the program director at the time (onetime WLIR-FM D.J. Bob Waugh) refused to add
Finally to the station's playlist - the place was still packed on this night.
I'd seen shows (on VHS, that is) filmed from the balcony at this venue from the Mutiny Tour '92 and the Forever In Your Face Tour '93 - so I did the same. The show was very good and the results were pretty good. In fact, of all my submissions to Tim for the
Dante's Disco Inferno home video he chose to use a few things from this performance ("Weak", "Train In Vain", "Let It Be" and "Gramatan").
Wow, three paragraphs dedicated to one sticker. Amazing.