Saturday, July 11, 2009

T-Shirt Order Forms! Tim Quirk T-Shirt letter!

These are T-Shirt order forms that I believe came with issue two of Joybuzzer. Or not. And the bottom one is from the Green Eggs & Crack CD release. Exciting stuff, eh? Granted, unlike very many other bands TMJ had the rare distinction of having genuinely funny, cool and wearable T-Shirts. These order forms are actually pretty funny as far as these things go. There's also a letter from Tim circa 1996. I kinda lived in Too Much Joy T-Shirts throughout the 1990's. Since Tim was the T-Shirt guy of the band I had lots of interaction with him as a result. He even called my house at one point regarding an order. Exciting stuff for a seventeen year-old. I had all of these shirts at various times except for the black Mutiny shirt, the stamped-Mutiny shirt, the colored SOSIA shirt, and the Forever In Your Face shirt. I believe I wore the Cereal Killer The Scream Trix bunny T-shirt the least (for starters it was white and did not seem to reflect band sentiment at all). Followed closely by the Finally shirt, which was a bit impractical and, was white.

It doesn't get more exciting than T-Shirt order forms.


  1. that multicolored too much fucking joy white ringer tee is the best one they ever made. mine has blood all over it but i still wear it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Take Two.

    I had a few TMFJ shirts. Two with orange lettering and one with blue lettering. The letters are still-half on the orange ones except for the blue one (which is still perfect). I still have these. I also had a white one but it turned yellow thanks to frequent spillage so got rid of it.

    But was great before the stains.
